Internet communication being what it is today we understand that what is said to one parent probably reaches all parents but with distortion. In order to keep the message consistent and clear we are sending the following to all parents of Naga missionaries.
This is to advise you that due to an increased threat of ash and SO2 (sulfur dioxide) emissions from the Mayon Volcano, we have this morning initiated a level 1 evacuation plan to move missionaries in the immediate area of the Mayon to safer areas upwind of the mountain. Puffs of ash emissions were observed late yesterday and last night. Scientists warn that the a threat of increasing ash emissions exist. Some magma flow continues to emit from the volcano’s crater but this does not appear to pose any immediate threat to members or missionaries. Those living in the “no man’s land” close to the Mayon have already been evacuated. We have no missionaries serving living or working within the “no mans land”. The major risk is from fine ash particulates should the volcano experience a major blow. Yesterday we issued surgical type dust masks to all missionaries around the Mayon Volcano or serving in areas that could potentially become downwind of the mountain. Presently we feel we are doing what is necessary to protect the health and safety of all missionaries in the area of the Mayon. Thanks for your faith and prayers in behalf of our missionaries, members and investigators.
All of the missionaries are safe. We saw the ones in the south of the mission yesterday and will see the ones in the north today at our Christmas Zone Conferences. They all look Great. If they have not done so already they should speak with you by phone during the Christmas holidays. We encourage you to keep those calls short and encourage them to remain focused on their purpose.
President Gordon C. Smith
Philippines Naga Mission
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
I always knew he was nuts!
Hey mom, Well first things first, I'm still alive and havent been evacuated. But some of the Elders in my zone have, because they can literally throw a rock and hit the top of mayon. Its freakin awesome! im loving it. We all sit on the balcony at night and watch it explode. I have my hammock set up perfect for lava watching. Well the lava has reached the bottom of the mountain now, in my area. I think we might go and see how close we can get on thursday. I'm pretty sure you cant get that close to lava. But we will find out....
Anyways here is more exciting news than an erupting volcano. We gave the Buncares family baptismal dates, they are scheduled for January, The cool thing is their daughter and son in law just came off the island of masbate, they are the ones who refered their parents. and they came to church on sunday. Its a pretty cool story, remind me to tell you when i call. Oh yea i do know Elder Boyes. he is in my zone. Cool kid.
I now have 2 more elders living in my apartment with us, they opened up an area here. Acutally they just took over half of our area, which sucked cuz they took all of our investiagators so we are finding again.
I have been taking pictures nightly of the Valcano, i'm sure there are better ones on the internet though. But just so you know what it looks like from my apartment i'll send these.
Anyways oh yes,,, i need money, can you put maybe like 50 bucks or so in my account today? i need it. i'm gonna buy my companion some new shoes. He has quarter sized holes in his, and refuses to buy new ones. So he needs some. Anyways.. I love you guys... talk to you on Christmas. Hey make sure your on at like 4-10pm because i'm not sure what time i'll be calling. ... OK love you ... Elder Walker
Anyways here is more exciting news than an erupting volcano. We gave the Buncares family baptismal dates, they are scheduled for January, The cool thing is their daughter and son in law just came off the island of masbate, they are the ones who refered their parents. and they came to church on sunday. Its a pretty cool story, remind me to tell you when i call. Oh yea i do know Elder Boyes. he is in my zone. Cool kid.
I now have 2 more elders living in my apartment with us, they opened up an area here. Acutally they just took over half of our area, which sucked cuz they took all of our investiagators so we are finding again.
I have been taking pictures nightly of the Valcano, i'm sure there are better ones on the internet though. But just so you know what it looks like from my apartment i'll send these.
Anyways oh yes,,, i need money, can you put maybe like 50 bucks or so in my account today? i need it. i'm gonna buy my companion some new shoes. He has quarter sized holes in his, and refuses to buy new ones. So he needs some. Anyways.. I love you guys... talk to you on Christmas. Hey make sure your on at like 4-10pm because i'm not sure what time i'll be calling. ... OK love you ... Elder Walker
Friday, December 18, 2009
pictures from Elder Walker
Update on Mt. Mayon Volcano
We got this email from Elder Walker's mission president...
Dear Parents,
I want to belay any concerns you might have for your missionary. It is Wednesday morning in the Philippines and all is safe here.
CNN is reporting that the Mayon volcano, which is located in the middle of the Naga Mission, has erupted and that thousands have been evacuated. Reports we have seen seem a bit overstated.
The Mayon volcano has had ash and magma eruptions in the list two days. Local authorities have raised the mountain to a level 3 alert which means evacuation of those living within 6 to 8 kilometers from the mountain. The local news is reporting that 22,000 people have been evacuated. We do not have missionaries living inside the immediate danger zone. We are carefully monitoring the situation and are prepared to evacuate missionaries from any areas that may be in any danger.
The eruptions began on Monday night then settled down during the day and resumed again last night. So far the eruptions have consisted of localized vertical ash clouds and magma flow on the side of the mountain. It a great photo opportunity if nothing else.
Yesterday (Tuesday in the Philippines) was our transfer day. Many of our missionaries were transferred to new areas or received new companions or new assignments. We don’t like to transfer missionaries this close to Christmas but felt we had no choice because we have a very large group of new missionaries (17) arriving tomorrow. We had some concerns early in the day that travel around the Mayon volcano might be restricted. Fortunately even with the eruptions going on the transfer went off without a hitch. All of the missionaries are now in their new areas except for our trainers who will be at the mission home tonight. The Mission Home is more than 40 Kilometers from the Mayon.
We will continue to monitor the situation and should it become necessary to move missionaries we will do so immediately. We will notify you individually if your missionary is impacted. If you have specific concerns I invite your email. Please be aware that it may take me a day or two for me to respond.
If any of you have access to mission parents web sites/blogs please post this message on that site.
President Gordon C. Smith
Dear Parents,
I want to belay any concerns you might have for your missionary. It is Wednesday morning in the Philippines and all is safe here.
CNN is reporting that the Mayon volcano, which is located in the middle of the Naga Mission, has erupted and that thousands have been evacuated. Reports we have seen seem a bit overstated.
The Mayon volcano has had ash and magma eruptions in the list two days. Local authorities have raised the mountain to a level 3 alert which means evacuation of those living within 6 to 8 kilometers from the mountain. The local news is reporting that 22,000 people have been evacuated. We do not have missionaries living inside the immediate danger zone. We are carefully monitoring the situation and are prepared to evacuate missionaries from any areas that may be in any danger.
The eruptions began on Monday night then settled down during the day and resumed again last night. So far the eruptions have consisted of localized vertical ash clouds and magma flow on the side of the mountain. It a great photo opportunity if nothing else.
Yesterday (Tuesday in the Philippines) was our transfer day. Many of our missionaries were transferred to new areas or received new companions or new assignments. We don’t like to transfer missionaries this close to Christmas but felt we had no choice because we have a very large group of new missionaries (17) arriving tomorrow. We had some concerns early in the day that travel around the Mayon volcano might be restricted. Fortunately even with the eruptions going on the transfer went off without a hitch. All of the missionaries are now in their new areas except for our trainers who will be at the mission home tonight. The Mission Home is more than 40 Kilometers from the Mayon.
We will continue to monitor the situation and should it become necessary to move missionaries we will do so immediately. We will notify you individually if your missionary is impacted. If you have specific concerns I invite your email. Please be aware that it may take me a day or two for me to respond.
If any of you have access to mission parents web sites/blogs please post this message on that site.
President Gordon C. Smith
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Hey, no still havent gotten the debit card. But i did receive the package. The jam is awesome. About Christmas. Umm i really don't need or want anything. Please don't spend alot of money to send a giant package. A Christmas card with a little note from all of you would be sufficient and perfect. Thanks love you . Well this week we taught a lady named Judy, we had taught her once before. Just a tracting lesson. We left her with a assignment in a pamphlet. When we returned she let us know she had read all of it. And read it again. She even showed it to her husband, who read it and loved it. They both decided they wanted to come to church. So we set it up for them to come with us next week. This is a story that never happens. I was the most grateful/lucky missionary in the world on Sunday. It was so awesome to see her testify to me that she believed Joseph Smith was true, before we had even told her who Joseph Smith was. SO wonderful! The lord really places people in your way when you try. Sister Julie Aise came to church Sunday too. Totally unexpected! But she has really been opening up to us now that my old comp. is out of here. My new comp is Elder Domagsang. Pretty quiet dude. But really really nice. I love him. We have a zone conference tomorrow. Umm other than that... I love this Gospel and this work. I cant believe its halfway over. I don't want it to end. But at the same time i want to see you so i guess it has to. Well i guess i better get going. I love you all. I cant wait to hear from you next week. Sorry if i forgot to answer some of your questions. didn't mean to.... Love you .. Elder Walker
haha i think I'm gonna start threatening my investigators! you finally wrote about your reading! Maybe my investigators will start reading if i yell at them! haha jk.... Well I'm not transferred, my companion just went home so ill be here for a while. The work is weak cuz my last comp was trunky. But i'll fix that this transfer. I haven't yet received this debit card. But please take off the restricitons tomorrow. So i can withdraw some money. Well. Ganon needs to be safe! although that is a hilarious story and i can totally see him doing that. he needs to be safe! haha. i cant wait to go on the mountain with that little guy! Well this week was the end of the Ibalong Festival. They had a HUGE parade of native dances! i videoed some, they aren't the best ones. But i thought i should show you some culture. They also had all saints day, Nov. 1. it was crazy! the cemetery was filled with people. Not rowdy people just peaceful people. Over Every grave there was a canopy or tent and candles and flowers and the people just mingle and talk about past loved ones. It is such a cool holiday. I thought there would be alot of drinking, but i hardly saw any. This week was way cool for culture things. But don't worry i took pictures and i keep a good journal so when i get home you can hear and see. This place is so awesome. I have been in a threesome companionship this week. With Elder Yambao. he is the Filipino version of Brady Finch. I haven't stopped laughing this entire week. He is hilarious!. I love this guy. I was hoping i would be his next companion. But it didn't happen. He is teaching me to cook too! So when i get home i can cook you some Filipino dishes. Your gonna have to learn to eat pork with the fat skin and hair still on it though. haha. ...Well anyways im so happy to hear your Book of Mormon reading! Even 5 minutes a day is amazing! its hard to find time sometimes. But it is sooooo worth it. Im so happy right now. Thanks so much for your reading. Keep it up. Let me know if you find some cool things in there. I would love to hear about it. When i get home we are gonna start having Family Home evening, and family prayer! ok? sound good? Even if i have to say every prayer or lead every FHE we are gonna do it. That Is one regret i have. I think back on my life. and realize i put the wrong things in the wrong places. I put my friends before you guys. Im very sorry for that. If i could i would change that. But there is no use in crying over spilled milk. So ill just change the future, ok? I promise to be a better son and brother in the upcoming years. I love you guys, and am so thankful i have such an amazing family. Your so supportive and loving its amazing. I'm truly blessed. Anyways Family i love you and i hope all is well. I gotta run. xenxa n mdyo iksi un slat q sna mas mhaba next time. haha that's how you text in Tagalog. haha anyways. family.. gotta go... Peace.... Elder Walker
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Yea i guess some moms called and were worried. I knew you didn't. Or at least hoped... ha ha... Well I'm glad to here that Tell is about to leave. I think Evan is in the MTC now. Cool. I'm so proud of my friends. They've been probably the biggest influence in my life. Ha ha that's the funniest thing I've heard about Gan. Oh man he better not be getting a big head already! ha ha That a boy, i knew he'd be a chick magnet! I've taught him well! ha ha.... He really had no chance, having the uncles he does.... Well this week was OK.. we didn't work for half of it, because my comp has a cold. Lousy excuse..... But yea he is bout to go home. I kinda feel for him, i think he is nervous... I know i will be.. Talk about awkward.... Well nothing big this week. Except the Scottish man i almost fought turned out to be a really nice man. Our land lord took him to court, and filed a complaint for us so we had to go settle that. I just talked to him calmly and settled everything fine. He called me a Pleasant young man ha ha. The next day we took him cookies, and he invited us to dinner! crazy huh... He is getting sued for 100,000 pesos though and getting kicked out of his apartment for what he did to the Landlord. just goes to show you anger gets you no where and ruins everything! ...Yea i took out 54 dollars the other day cuz i had to buy jaces and dads Water buffalo horn belts... I got them both size 40 hope they fit... I am looking for a cool gift for Gan. What is he interested in right now besides football? cuz they have no football stuff here.I'll probably get him some native stuff... anyways family,,, i hope all is going well i hope that your reading your scriptures. I'm now in Alma again i love the Book of Mormon its amazing! Everyday i pray that what i'll read i'll be able to share with someone. So far its worked about every time. I got to share Alma 36:3 with a girl who got pregnant out of wedlock yesterday. It was awesome, i could see the shame and regret in her eyes. And i knew that scripture could help her. Because its helped me so much in times of trials. When she read it she couldn't finish it because she was crying. Its a really good scripture. I knew she didn't need to hear that what she had done was a sin, that she needed to repent. She needed the comfort that God still loved her and always will love her. I think or hope she felt that yesterday.... Well fam. thats a short story for you all. I love you and hope your doing well... Elder Walker
Monday, October 12, 2009
Stop worrying I'm ok.. i told dad, the only thing that happened to me when the typhoon hit was my laundry got wet on the clothes line. It made me mad, but that's it..... I still have the same comp. Ill let you know when that changes. haha.... Um I actually did not know that they had moved. Cool though. I hope it makes them happier! funny they moved into your ward again. They followed the Smiths haha.... Well This morning i have a story... I almost fought a Scottish man. We were playing some church music on our CD player and it really wasn't loud at all. But he came over screaming the F bomb and this and that. Kicking our gate. Until i finally came down from upstairs wondering what all the commotion was. When i met a red faced Scott at the door. I couldn't help but laugh at him. I was just smiling ear to ear dying laughing. Which wasn't the best idea. I was very angry on the inside, for him accusing us instead of politely asking to turn it down. but i remembered the counsel President Monson gave yesterday. SO i just laughed it off.... Tonight we plan on taking him a gift of some sort. Then giving him a Book of Mormon. Its really the only thing that can bring a person of that kind of anger to peace. ...This week i went to an island and went on splits I had to give a baptismal Interview to a man. He was 27 and married, When i asked him if he had had a homosexual relationship he told me yes. I was dumbfounded. I didn't know how to respond. Talk about awkward. Cuz he had a really strong testimony. He was also the most honest person I've met. Turns out he is able to get baptized anyway cuz it was in high school and president approved it. But yea my mission is full of awkward experiences like the time i asked the hugely pregnant lady how far along she was, and she replied she wasn't prego. She just had a big tummy. .... awkward. Needless to say i didn't go back to that house. haha... well those are my stories for the day.. I hope you all watched General Conference. It was amazing. Especially Elder Hollands talk. I found alot of inspiration in all of it... Well i love you all .... hope your ok... Elder Walker
hey all is well here. Nothing major. No flooding in our area.... It sucked on Thursday though, a girl in our Zone is from Samoa and she found out here Grandmother died of a sickness the other day. We went and gave her a blessing of comfort. Then right afterwards the mission president texted us and told us to tell her he country had just been hit by a Tsunami. She was a wreck after that. Talk about bad timing. She didn't really show her sadness though she tried her hardest to keep smiling. So if you could include her in your prayers that'd be cool. Well I just hit the year mark. Didn't feel like i thought it would feel. nothing extraordinary happened. Just a normal day. We found some good investigators the other day. I found out a good way to get my companion to work. I just invite the ward missionaries over at the time we are supposed to work. So when he sees them it compels him to work! its finally turning out to be an ok transfer. Well this morning we smelled something awful in our bathroom, it turns out the two rats we have been trying to catch both got caught on our sticky pad and died in our attic. Which was awful. But that's about all the exciting news i have for you. I know two dead rats isn't that exciting or spiritual but its all i got. sorry.... Oh I've started reading the BoM again. We have a challenge to finish before the year is over, it will be easy. We are marking every time it mentions Christs name or a reference to him. And things like that its really awesome! i recommend it to you all. I sent some letters to Gan and Adi. And bishop. hopefully you'll get them soon. Well fam i love you Thanks for your prayers and support. Elder Walker
Monday, September 28, 2009
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Hello Fam.Well the new area is a city. Legazpi. It is a huge area, it used to be 2 areas but we are running out of missionaries so the closed one part of it. So we have to cover it. But its ok. We have a great Nanay (mother) in this area. Sister Morga, she has alot of family in Utah, She feeds us whenever we want. Sometimes we just drop by and she feeds us. She is awesome. she is gonna teach me how to make and sew neck ties! she is a seamstress. But yea, her son is our ward missionary. The only one that works with us. So we are slowly but surely learning the area and teaching lessons. My Companion is Filipino. Elder Alabanza, he is 28 years old. But about 4 foot high. He is cool i guess. He likes to find the weak spots of people and pick at them. Good thing i can dominate him, so he doesn't really try and annoy me haha. I think he is afraid. He goes home in November, so he is pretty trunky. He doesn't like to do the things I like to do. Such as companion study and leaving the house on time. Ha ha pretty important things. But its ok. Im just trying to help him focus on the work and go out with a bang. We have a couple new investigators. We found a gorgeous area the other day. Overlooking the city and The volcano. Oh yea I'm a rocks throw away form Mt. Mayon. A huge active volcano. Which has smoke coming out the top constantly. Its at level 2 alert right now. If it hits level 3 we are evacuated. ha ha I only told you all that to worry mom. I'm bored and need some excitement. haha I'm terrible i know. But yea i will definitly write Evan what is his address there? in the mtc? i need to know please get it for me!. Send him packages He is a great kid. you should take half the money you use to send me packages and use it for him. Speaking of packages i need retainer cleanser, razor heads and shaving cream. I need more cereal also haha. Please don't send salt water Taffy. It melts on the plane over here and is a mess in the box. I love it. But its messy. Thanks. Anyways That is such a blessing that your job will be closing in December and you got this new one. Holy cow. I hope you thanked H.F. for that one. Its amazing the blessings we get when we live righteously. Its awesome. I love you all I love what your all doing. Keep up the good work. Please please please keep reading the BoM at least a little bit a day. I finished it for the 2nd time on my mission the other day. Its amazing the spiritual strength it brings. It truly is written for our day. Please reap the blessings that await you in that amazing book. I love you all i miss you and hope you have a great weekend. mahal ko po kayong lahat. Or in Bicol mahal ko kamong gabos! haha yea thats right i can speak three languages. haha to bad Bicol is only spoken here. haha....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Well I had the best day of my life on Sat. I went back to Pili for the baptism of Bro. Hernandez. I would send pictures but my computer is being dumb. Ill try next week. But yes it was amazing. So special. He was so happy to see me, and i him. The family gave me a really nice printed out letter expressing their appreciation. I dont think they will ever realize how much they changed my life. I had the opportunity to baptise a little boy too. He belongs to the Verano family, i dont know if you remember them. But they used to be inactive for 8 years. But we got them active again!!! Man that area is amazing. The wedding didnt go through becuase they had a fight! it was crazy, its just part of the trials people experience before baptism. Satan doesnt want people to get baptized so he works hard on them. Anyways we had Family home evening the night of the baptism. It was a blast. And i got to go to church there the next day. It was fast and testimony meeting because last week was stake conference. So i bore my testimony, it was awesome. The whole church was full! when i first came we only had a few people that came to church. Alot of people didnt know i was transfered, they all wrote me letters on napkins they had in their purses and gave them to me. I love that ward so much. They are all gonna be at the airport when i fly home. And hopefully the Hernandez family is in Manila so i can be a witness for their sealing! anyways that was the most exciteing part of my week. other than that it sucked. My comp isnt a really hard worker. And me on the other hand love to work and be outside of the house. Well needless to say it sucks. We have an open area. Meaning we have no investigators and no help from anybody. We have to start from scratch. But yea. Being zone leader isnt any different from any other missionary. I just have a cell phone. Other than that. This week was ok. Im glad to hear Ganon is fearless! that is awesome! i hope he stays like that! he better! i HOpe your all going to the temple and reading your scriptures. I love Joshes name for his baby! that is awesome! i heard a name i liked the other day. Husly... But i like it for a dog name. haha. anyways i hope all is well at home. I love you and miss you all. Elder Walker
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wow that game sounds intense!!! Tell Coach Semore I said congrats and I'm bragging him up all the way around the world! Well I have news. I was Emergency Transferred yesterday from my favorite area. I'm now a Zone Leader. I'm in Legazpi city. we are opening an area. I'm not sure what all happened for the transfer i didn't ask. It wasn't my position to ask. I'm just going with what the Lord has planned ya know. But it kinda sucks because I didn't get to say goodbye to my favorite families. But the good news is i asked President to let me go back to that area this Saturday to baptize brother Hernandez, ya know my best friend. And he agreed, because when I found out I was transferred we were at Stake conference and Bro Hernandez was there. So I introduced him to Pres. He was in tears asking him to let me stay. That I was his favorite and he loved me. He was so so so sweet, all of his family and I were crying. I am so happy President likes me and I can go back to baptize him. This is one person I will be definitely introducing to you in the Celestial kingdom if you can't come pick me up here. He is simply amazing. There is no other word in the English or Tagalog vocabulary to describe that family. Anyways I'm now here as ZL . It's scary I didn't expect it. I was expecting another 2 weeks training my kid. I got to say bye to Dayday and her family at conference but just short. They all are coming to the airport when I go home. The Hernandez family wants me to be one of their witnesses in the Temple when I am in Manila. They have it all planned out. I really really hope the Lord lets that happen. That would be the best day ever! I hope your having fun in the nice cool mountains. ha ha while I suffer in this furnace! just kidding I love it.. Seriously though have fun camping. I hope that all is well with the fam.... I love you all.... peace... Elder walker
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
This week was ok. I got to go on splits with Elder Farmer and go to Legazpi to get fingerprinted to update my visa. I also taught to a platoon of soldiers while they were target practicing. It was freaking awesome! They loved it. Especially one named Charlie Chavez. He said of course him being a soldier he was spiritual, relying on God. But he didn't know what was true. It was fun teaching to all of them. They were crazy though they just set up some targets about 400 yards aways next to some houses. And then started shooting. I was like holy crap. I know we are in a 3rd world country but this seems a little dangerous. I took a picture with 3 of them. And I'll take a picture of where they were shooting from. Its funny and scary and the same time. We had 4 people come to church. Brother Hernandez came. His faith is so strong. A man who cant walk hardly has came to church twice in a row. I love it!!! I love him and his family. They are gonna kill a chicken for us this week. Which is a pretty big deal. At least to me cuz I love fresh chicken. But anyways I hope the family is all doing good. Gan, sounds like he is having fun. I cant wait to see his glasses. He is gonna be a stud! Anyways tell everyone I said hi.. I miss them... only one more year to go... Oh yea.... I'm buying Jace and Dad belts made of water buffalo horn. I can either get horn or bone. The bone is like 20 bucks the horn is like 15. But they are sick I love them. I need one for myself also... and i can get rings made out of it too. if you girls or Ganon wants... I can make him a belt too.... anyways ... I love you so much thanks for your support and for your prayers!!!! Elder Walker
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Kamusta kayo? Well this week was good, kinda hectic. Anyways I got a new comp, Elder Yoro. from Manila. He is cool, he plays the drums. I wont lie I miss my last companion. We had so much fun. He had my same personality so it just worked. Anyways. Brother Hernandez is great! he came to church yesterday. He could only last about 3/4 of sacrament then went to lay down in the nursery, cuz his legs hurt him. But he is so awesome. He woke his wife up at 4am on Sunday to remind her they had to go to church. We gave him a baptismal date for Sep. 12 he is so excited! He is awesome. That whole family is. They feed us twice every time we visit them, before the lesson they feed us a "snack" which is usually like a meal. Then afterwards they feed us a meal. Its awesome. They love us. I love them. Anyways. The Roldan family is the people getting married and baptized the same time. The mom couldn't come to church yesterday because she had school. But they are still getting baptized. Man I cant believe I'm almost a year. I have to go get fingerprints on Wednesday to update my Visa! crazy huh. Anyways that lady your working for sounds awesome. I never realized how cool old people can be. I love visiting with them. its amazing the stories they have. Like the other day i met the oldest Eagle scout in the Philippines. He is a member and used to be a Temple worker. I don't know why he doesn't come to church. But he is awesome. He was telling us stories about the war. He hates Japanese people! with a passion. he was telling use they used to beat the Japanese that would steal their rice to death. Its crazy. he is awesome. But yea. anyways this week was cool. We had a good week, we accomplished our goals. even though the week was kinda crazy. I got to spend the night with Elder Farmer and Elder Reed and my batch on Wednesday, because we had trainers training. It was awesome, I loved chillin with them. But other than that no stories. Just kinda chillin, about to hit 1 year. Just working hard... I'm sorry this letter is short. Ohhhhh yea thanks for the JAM! I loved it! I loved the package it had everything I needed. Thanks for the insoles! my feet feel so much better. I walk a ton every day so I needed them. I have a reputation about being a hard walker. it must be the name... ha ha anyways family thanks again . I love you all keep up your good work. .... gotta go... peace
Monday, August 3, 2009
Yes its almost time for a transfer. I'm not looking forward to that at all. I love my companion. I don't want to get transferred. Especially since last night we gave a family baptismal dates for august 29th. there will be 5 maybe 7 getting baptised that day. And right before the baptism hopefully we have a wedding. That's the way we want it to go. I really want it to happen. I am so pumped, things are finally going right here. We are working so hard. We got a referral to teach a man Alfredo Hernandez. His whole family is members except him. They are all active. He used to not want to become a member, but last January he got hit by a truck on his motorcycle and it caused brain damage, he cant walk but goes to therapy every week and prays every night to be able to walk. His wife told him that he wouldn't be able to have his kids in the next life unless he became a member. So now we are teaching him. Oh my gosh guys, i cant explain how nice this family is. While we teach this man we have to teach really really simply because his thoughts are like a child's, but as we teach you can look in his eyes and see his want, and the most humbling and touching thing to see is the wife when she looks at him and talks to him. She is sooooooo loving, she loves her husband and family so much I cant describe it. Brother Hernandez brought me and my companion to tears with his humble simple prayer the other day, he asked God to bless us first of all , then his family then asked to be able to walk again. He thanked Heavenly Father for his life then closed it. Oh my, I cant describe in words the way this family is. They are so so so strong, so close they love each other and support each other in everything. Whenever someone has something to do the other will stay home with the dad, every Sunday one of the family members is away from church staying with the father. Every time we teach they wont let us leave, or i should say HE wont let us leave until we eat something and have juice. We gave him a blessing the other day because his legs were in pain. he cant straighten one of them. But every time he sits up it puts him in pain. But every time it hurts he just laughs and says ouch it hurts. Ive never heard him say he can't handle it though. He is so strong, and funny, I
love him so much. I love that family. We have been tracting a lot out by where they live and have found a lot of good investigators. Our ward mission leader lives there so everyone is progressing. Oh man guys the work is so good. This church is true. Its amazing the blessings that come from missionary work. I cant imagine being somewhere else right now. I cant picture having this much fun or loving something like this. Anyways I have really no other stories for you guys. Except please be reading your scriptures. And saying your prayers. Anyways guys I love you so much, I hope you know like I do. this church is true. I know without a doubt Joseph Smith was called of God and the Book of Mormon is true! I love you so much, all of your support and prayers are much appreciated and welcome! take care! I love you! Elder Walker Mahal ko kayo ingat lagi!
love him so much. I love that family. We have been tracting a lot out by where they live and have found a lot of good investigators. Our ward mission leader lives there so everyone is progressing. Oh man guys the work is so good. This church is true. Its amazing the blessings that come from missionary work. I cant imagine being somewhere else right now. I cant picture having this much fun or loving something like this. Anyways I have really no other stories for you guys. Except please be reading your scriptures. And saying your prayers. Anyways guys I love you so much, I hope you know like I do. this church is true. I know without a doubt Joseph Smith was called of God and the Book of Mormon is true! I love you so much, all of your support and prayers are much appreciated and welcome! take care! I love you! Elder Walker Mahal ko kayo ingat lagi!
Monday, July 20, 2009
Well the baptisms were awesome.. We baptized a 19 year old named Belando Belga. He is a friend of the Bantog family. He is an amazing kid. He used to have alot of addictions but because of the example of the Bantog family and the lessons he stopped and was baptized. He has had one of the hardest lives I've ever heard of. His dad left him when he was a little boy. He never met him till last year. He lives with his grandma cuz his mom has a new husband and they don't really like him. His grandma actually left him this past week because of his decision to be baptized. She said church is only for people who have sins. But he is one of the happiest people I've ever met. He constantly smiles. He includes in his prayers everytime. That he will get to spend one day with both his mom and dad together at the same time. He said that's all he wants in life. He is such a nice guy. The other two baptisms were the nieces of the family I sent to the temple. They are cute too. They have had rough lives also. But the gospel really cheers people up. Filipinos are the most amazing people even though they have nothing they continue to smile. It amazes me at how greedy and spoiled I am how prideful and inconsiderate I am. Anyways this week was amazing my companion and I pushed ourselves so hard. We got the most lessons I've gotten in a week since I've been here. We also got 16 new investigators! and had the family that hasn't been to church in 8 years come to church! I told there little kids to tell there mom they wanted to come to church and the next day everyone was their. It was truly a wonderful sight. i Sat in the back of the chapel and smiled and thanked God for the blessings in my life. As I watched the less active families we have been working with, the investigators and the recent converts all sitting in Sacrament. It was so amazing
I cant describe my feelings as I watched the fruits of my labor before my eyes. It made me feel as though I truly am an instrument in Gods hands to make lives better. Such an amazing week. Anyways Dayday's birthday was cake and Ibought her some new sandals cuz that's what she wanted. She was crying cuz she thought I wasn't coming. cuz we were a little late. But when I showed up with cake and sandals she was happy again. She fell asleep on my lap haha it was awesome. The little girl in the pic is The Borras' families niece. She loves me she calls me her boyfriend. When you ask her her name she says Venus Walker! haha its hilarious. I cant believe Tell is going to Panama! holy cow! man all my friends speak Spanish. I'm gonna have to live in California with all the Filipinos! I could use more jam. I don't need sandals, I could just use money in my account to have shirts made. That's about it... and I could use insole's for my shoes. Good ones. ... anyways thanks family... Oh yea the family finally got sealed!!! they came home yesterday! its soo cool!!! anyways love you guys so much. I really hope your reading your Book of Mormon. Please be reading. Its the simple things that count! don't forget em!!!! anyways love ya!!! Kapayapaan sa labas!!!!!--- Elder Walker
I cant describe my feelings as I watched the fruits of my labor before my eyes. It made me feel as though I truly am an instrument in Gods hands to make lives better. Such an amazing week. Anyways Dayday's birthday was cake and Ibought her some new sandals cuz that's what she wanted. She was crying cuz she thought I wasn't coming. cuz we were a little late. But when I showed up with cake and sandals she was happy again. She fell asleep on my lap haha it was awesome. The little girl in the pic is The Borras' families niece. She loves me she calls me her boyfriend. When you ask her her name she says Venus Walker! haha its hilarious. I cant believe Tell is going to Panama! holy cow! man all my friends speak Spanish. I'm gonna have to live in California with all the Filipinos! I could use more jam. I don't need sandals, I could just use money in my account to have shirts made. That's about it... and I could use insole's for my shoes. Good ones. ... anyways thanks family... Oh yea the family finally got sealed!!! they came home yesterday! its soo cool!!! anyways love you guys so much. I really hope your reading your Book of Mormon. Please be reading. Its the simple things that count! don't forget em!!!! anyways love ya!!! Kapayapaan sa labas!!!!!--- Elder Walker
Friday, July 17, 2009
DR. BIGHAM MOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO seriously!!!!!!!!! freak that sucks... You have to get his address for me!!!!! I love that man seriously with everything in me i love him!!!!! I'm so happy on the other hand that G-ma has no cancer. Ive been praying for her and you. We had 3 baptisms on Saturday. It was cool i think i might of forgotten to tell you that we had some coming up. But it was cool Elder Fairbrother got his 1st baptisms with me. I was way happy. We also gave 2 more people a baptismal date. A married couple. For august 15. The couple that went to get sealed left last night. I gave them 3000 pesos. I just flat out gave it to them. But yea they were very happy. Um yea but things are going good. Ive been working my new comp hard. He is big. But he has already lost weight. He can now move his belt up one hole! he was so excited! so was I. We walk alot. And I walk fast. so its going good. But yea, we have already became really close companions. I'm so jealous your in Colorado right now. We got soaked today. Because rain comes fast here. We thought it was a clear day until about 100 yards down the road when we became soaked immediately. But its cool cuz its p-day. We have a lesson with my hardest investigator of my mission later tonight. He is very smart in the bible, he is interested. So hopefully it goes great. Oh yea so i have some stories, we got on a pudyak. Its the 3 wheeled bike. And we obviously don't fit in it. so i just stood on the back and helped the poor Filipino push two big Americans. When all of a sudden the bike did a wheely because of the weight throwing me off the back and about launching the driver to the moon. He was so afraid. And this all happened in front of about 30 more Filipinos who all lost it. They were dying laughing. The cool thing is Elder was holding a cake for Daydays birthday and he didn't crush it!!! But yea speaking of which thank you so much for the package and the Rubik's cube! i love it! i loved the candy its amazing!!! i like the Listerine stuff too. Anyways another story. Elder Fairbrother, on like his 3rd day broke or shattered a bamboo chair. We were in a progressing investigators house and we both sat down on this bamboo couch. And we heard a crack, and we both looked at each other. Then all of a sudden it broke and we both went tumbling to the ground. Everyone was laughing. But its OK cuz the bamboo was just old ha ha. But yea he has had an interesting first week. One I'm sure he wont forget. Me either. But that's about it. Ill try and send some pictures. But i don't know. I'm not making any promises. Anyways love you guys. Hope Colorado was fun!! Elder Walker
Monday, June 8, 2009
Yea I gave Day Day a CTR ring! she hasnt taken it off in like 2 months!!! she loves it!! I love her so much i dont know what i'll do without Day Day to brighten my day! I cant help but have fun and laugh with her! no matter what problem comes into my day she cheers me up instantly!!! i didnt know Bro Lambsons dad was in a war or that he was an author. Ive been praying for your work schedule mom i hope it lightens up. But i guess you can look at it as a blessing. ALot of people are losing there jobs and your gettting more!! Is grandma alright! she needs to drink more water!!! anyways the jam is amazing!!!! i love it.. and my sheets are too! So I think I am gonna use the money you put into my account for my birthday to send a copuple to Manila and get sealed. ask Des the story i told it to her. They are an amzing couple and my best friends in my area. They had the money, but they have spent it all because they took in two families to live with them in there one room house. So there is like 20 people in this little tiny tiny house. And they are way to shy to ask for money, and i know that i have enough to send them cuz its cheap. So i was wondering if you would be mad if i used my birthday money to have them become sealed! Let me know please. Because they wanted to go in July but had to cancel. SO hopefully their dream and desire can come true...But im gonna try and give it to them without them knowing who it was. Anyways this week i taught a simply amazing lesson about repentance to a in acive family. I shouldnt say i taught it. I was an instrument! the holy ghost was so amazingly present! The mother is ex-communicated for something she did. And the entire family has been inactive ever since. The dad wants to come back to church so bad but he has a hard time finding time off from the airport on sundays. When we taught this lesson he and she started crying. The dad is the most sweet and loveing person ever. He wants to bad to return! The mother looks sad all the time. But when we taught that lesson, she looked as if she knew what was right and knew everything could be ok! it was awesome. I left that lesson almost in tears i was so happy. Afterwards we gave the dad a blessing becuase he has been sick. We also taught another lady who didnt even know who Jesus Christ, Moses, or Noah were. She got married at 14 and has 8 kids and 1 grand kid. She is only about 30+. She read the pamphlet we gave her and described to us her feelings in our next visit. She said that everyting that has been worrying her and bothering her left when she read. She forgot how to pray so we taught her again. THe only thing is she has so many kids and lives in a bamboo shanty far away so she probably wont be baptised because they have no money to travel. But at least we have started a foundation of faith. She can build on in this life or the next. Anyways those are two lessons taht have stuck out this week i thought i would share with you guys. I love my job! its amazing. Im giving a workshop on Effective Hometeaching to the church in a few weeks. Ive never realized how important each calling is. And how taking your calling seriously is so so so important. I never realized how much the church needs young men and young women to help the work. I never realized how much of a help i could of been as a home teacher. How much i could have helped peoples lives. I have found a new love for people. I Only want the best for them. I Hope i can inspire some people to realize there duty and privilage of serving God. Not only here in my mission but after my mission as well. I dont think we realize what a blessing and privelage it is to serve the Almighty. We dont look at our callings with the right attitude. We often think that our callings are burdens. They are such blessings!!! We dont grow until we are pushed to our limits! Im so happy to have now realized that! i hope i can keep that thought in my mind my entire life. I know there will always be moments of doubt. Its human nature. But i hope i can always look forward with a faith and hope i have right now.... anyways this is long. I hope you all are reading at least a little out of the BOM every day. Even a verse a day is Great!!! will you all do taht for me? i hope so its not just a book its THE book, I love it.. I love you , I hope you all have a great week. Keep a prayer in your heart and a smile on your face!!!~ Kell
Sunday, May 31, 2009
DayDay singing
This is the link to see the videos of the little kids in the Phillippines better I tried to put them on the side but you can't see all of it. Anyway this little girl is five, they call her DayDay its a nickname for little girls. Kellin loves her, he says she is crazy and reminds him of Ganon! She doesn't speak English she just knows this song!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
So things sound good back home. we had transfers last thursday, i got word that i was goin to be a trainer on monday. I was not a happy person. I was so nervous it was scary, i didnt think i was ready to become a trainer let alone a senior. But now im here and things are great. i am training Elder Abonita, he is a stake missionary from Sorsogon. he is way talented and diligent. Im thankful for all of your prayers and support they were much needed. We ran out of money last week though because the church hadnt yet given my comp his support. and i had just finished paying bills so i had no money. and the atms were down in our town so i had to bust out my ten peso coin jar. Because i dont spend 10 peso coins i just collect them. and it turns out to be a blessing. because we had no money to come to Naga today without it! haha Anyways we have a dinner appointment back in Pili today with some cool members later on today. So im excited for that. Um Im still in Naga and will be here for 3 more months because my comp will go home cuz he is only short time. and i'll have to get another comp and show him the area. But thats about it for this week guys.. thanks again for the package. Im gonna send a package i'll try and get something in it for everybody... im not sure if ill be able too though.. anyways gotta go love you Kell
Hey mom. The baptism was great. I wasnt quite sure about this one. because i didnt know if he really had a testimony or if he was just doing it because his mom was just baptised. So before i baptised him i was nervous but afterwards he bore his testimony the fear left me! I knew he had a testimony and that he was going to be fine!. His mom Evelynn, was my first baptism, she gave the talk about baptism at her sons. She was nervous as ever! her little lip was trembling and she was scared. But she gave a wonderful talk! she hit all the needs. She is so funny i love her to death. I dont konw what ill do if i get transfered thursday. Ive grown to love that family as my own! I hope to always keep in touch with them.. Anyways mom i hope your mothers day was great. I hope you find time to get back in the gym. It truly does make you feel better all around. I hope you have time to go the the "spiritual gym" or temple... Haha like that analogy? anyways mom i hope dad is working towards the temple and des too! i hope to go as a family when i get back.. anyways i better go .. i dont need anything else i can think ok.. Jerky!!!! i do need jerky!! anyways i love you Kell
Monday, April 20, 2009
Haha loren. she is funny. Claire is hilarious too. We all used to watch out for Claire at high school. Im pretty sure no one wanted to be mean to her with all of us on her side. Anyways yea that kid in art was real cool i loved him. For some reason the art teacher always sat me by him. Anyways yea those spiders are huge we had two in our house. One still lives there but is a fugitive i havnent fond him yet. But tell ganon that the monkey was someones pet. and you can buy them here for about 20 bucks. some of them are meaner than heck though. like when you get by them they try and bite you! its nuts.... My comp has settled down now taht he realizes ill kill him if he is stupid or that ill tell on him if he does anything dumb. so things are going good right now. I miss Brother Smith. I love how you call him kyle. He would never be kyle to me... always brother smith... He is a big part of me being on a mission now i love him. Anyways i wish i was there to see adi and gan. Especially to be with gan when he starts ball. That will be the funnest thing of his life. I miss those two. I was looking at pictrues last night and was like man i miss those kids. For now i have to settle for pilipinos. Im gonna probably cry when i leave this area. I love my converts and their daughter. freak she is a girl version of ganon. Wherever we go she is always holding my hand and asking me questions. and when we pass stores asking for candy. whenever her mom tells me to spank her im like she is still a kid. her mom thinks im so nice cuz im nice to her daughters. The mission has definitly changed my outlook on little kids. I used to get impatient real quick. But im patient now with people. Thanks des for your prayers i appreciete them so much i love you guys so so so much. i miss you and hope your doing alrgith. Just remember however much you make in a month is more than the average family makes here in ayear.... i love you and miss you kell
Monday, April 13, 2009

Huge Spider!

Polynesian Dress



First Baptism


YEs i loved conference. It was Amazing... There were some pretty stern warning given. Especially the one at the end by President Monson himself. About Pornography. He is so right. Porn does destroy the soul. Its not a maybe it might destroy the soul, but the definite WILL DESTROY YOUR SOUL. Ive seen it happen many times on my mission now. Porn is sold at every dvd shop here. RIght now i have a very close friend in the mission struggling with it. It breaks my heart that a messenger of the lord could give in to such a temptation and ive seen it ruin his mission so far. It is such a dangerous habit and ruins lives i hate it!!!! anyways My companion didnt get sent home. President thought he would give them a second chance. i dont agree with his decision but i accept it and uphold it. But i have another story for you... so the day of transfers we came back.and i was expecting to work hard so i took my companion to all the people i knew. When we came home at night there was someone in our apartment. It turned out to be other missionaries. they told us they were sleeping over. but the next morning my companion and one of the other elders woke me up at 5 and told me they were leaving and left me with the other comp. Well the other comp decided he wanted to skip areas and go somewhere else. But i wasnt having any of it. I told him off, but he left without me. So i sat there contemplating what i should do. i prayed about it and decided to go text the Assistants to the Pres. so i texted and eventually the lambsons came and picked me up. I ended up staying at the mission home ( which wasnt bad cuz they have hot water and amazing food) but anyways the next day all 3 showed up and we had interviews with president. because they all went and visited there girlfriends. yea it really makes me wonder what the freak people come on missions for! i mean honestly. why would you come on a mission if you just want the same things as before your mission. I mean honestly the reason i came here was to never do the things i did before. and to serve teh Lord...... anyways im very thankful for the strength i receive from my family and from the Lord. Without it i couldnt take it here. Anyways mom thanks for the journal it was perfect and teh scriptures too. i probably wont use them though i dont think cuz i already have my other ones marked how i like them. but thanks so much... i loved the candy!!! it was amazing!!! i hope you all get better and get rid of your cold. I didnt think that i would ever get a cold here becasue its so hot. but then i realized that colds are a sickness not because of the weather... yea im an idiot.... But the other day i had a cool expeirence we were teaching out recent converts and it was a black out. and out of the darkness came a 28 year old man. he asked if he could join. he was way good with the questions and at the end of the lesson asked if he could be baptised. haha it was cool. of course he has to come to church 4 times and learn the lessons. but he is way cool. he just got out of jail for smoking weed. But really wants to change his life... so if we can help that will be awesome.... anyways fam i gotta go i love you all. Thank you so much for your prayers they are much needed.. i miss you all.... gotta run... Elder Walker... love you
Monday, April 6, 2009
First Baptism!
First off sorry mom, that i idnt write you i dont konw what i was thinkin! im sorry but Happy Birthday, i love you and your beautiful! anyways as for me and my life here. THis week was CRAZY. first off my companion and his poly friinds decided to go on a road trip to sorsogon a far away part of the mission. anyways they all got caught but instead of giving up , they decided tehy were mad at the people who caught them, the Assistants to the President, so they went on a search for them to try and beat them up, they were fugitives for 4 days. until finally they gave themselves up and went to the missoin home. they even threatended the Mission President himself... anyways while all this was happeing i was baptising souls... so on saturday.. i woke up to no electrictyand couldnt iron my shirt, and we had the baptism at 10 so i was freaking out cuz i had no good shirts they were all wrinkly so i was stressed, but then i learned that the entire philippines was having like a no electricity day! so i stopped stressing and accepted it... then wehen we went to the church everyone was siting out front of the gate. the bishop wasnt there he was sick and we couldnt get in, so we tracted and found the key, we finally got in to realize we couldnt turn the water on because it works on an electiric pump! so we were bummed, then we got an idea to go the the CWC, its a wakeboarding park with swimming pools! so we all agreed on it and got baptismal clothes and headed to the CWC. Now normally the CWC is off limits to missionaries, for the obvious reasons of evilness and temptations. But the bishop agreed, so we arrived and payed to get in. We held the opening excercises in a tree house, filled with grafiti, but no one payed attention to it... after that i baptised Jona and Evelyn Bantog in the swimming pool right underneath the old water slide.. haha it was amazing! sister Bantog came up squeezing my hand and crying out of the water. She said she had been praying to know if the church was really really true. And she said that when she came out of the water that she saw a White light behind me and that she in her mind knew it was the answer she was looking for. She was so so so so happy. If only all of us could have the happiness she felt at that time. She bore her testimony afterwards to us and i almost started crying. She loves the church and her family so so much . Anyways they were confirmed in church sunday. Because conference, is a week late here. So we are all going to Naga so they can listen to a prophet speak... im so pumped... ill try and send pictures but it takes along time on the internet... so probably just in the mail... i printed some out today... but yes my weekend was crazy. my first baptism was nuts but turned out perfect. i wouldnt change it for the world... i love being here. this is the Lords work, and with prayer and faith we can overcome any obstacle. Like their baptism was full of things that could of stopped the baptism from happening. But the Lord provided a way. Anyways family, i love you all and have to go ... thanks so much for the easter candy and my atm card.. i need the pin number though... and does the Credit union need to konw ill be using it out of country? i plan on buying a few things so i need it. but anyways i love you all and have to go thanks for your support and prayers i love you and keep you in my prayers too!... Kapayapaan sa labas! (peace out)
Monday, March 16, 2009
Well family, i got emergency transfer out of my Threesome. I guess an Elder hurt his knee getting into a jeepney and cant work anymore so i took his spot. President Smith Interviewed me to see if i wanted to go Ligit senior companion, but i think he sensed my nervousness and is waiting,, phhhew, so right now my companiion is a HUGE Tongan. He is from New Zealand his name is Elder Finau he is really cool. But he breaks the rules alot.And i didnt come here to break rules so things are gonna have to change. But he loves to lift and my new house has a gym right by it so we lifted the first day i arrived in my New area, Pili, by the way. But wow im sore right now. We did chest and i got 205 for 5 without a spotter so it hasnt left me completely yet, im alright strong still. But yea he is ok, im really kinda depressed though because i was just gettting to love my last area and the people and my companions, it was the coolest companionship. I miss it. But yea, other than that nothing new, just a new companion and area. But things are looking up we had an investigator come to church and she says she wants to be baptised. But yea family nothing real great here. Tell Jace i said happy birthday, i have a hammock for him, only i havent sent it to him. and tell everyone i said hi i love them. i was playing rugby with my comp and some other poly's today. Umm it is hot season right now, so its just really really hot now. haha but it still rains sometimes. Anyways hope all is well at home. I Love you all and miss you. Oh yea if you can will you try and get ahold of Emily Sanchezes email for me, she is my friend from college if you dont remember. Anyways thanks a ton. all is well here. I love you Elder Walker
Monday, March 2, 2009
First off let me tell you about my transfer. Im in Bato. on the mainland. Nathan Adair served in this same area. I met a family he baptized and talked to them alot. Im in a threesome. Meaning i have two companions. One is Elder Johnson from idaho, he is going home in a month and a half. The other is Elder Gless from Mesa az. He has only been here a month and a half. Anyways the older one elder johnson is actually companions with a member in our branch so me and elder Gless the new guy are companions. I am the senior companion. Meaning i teach the lessons and find the people. Because elder Gless is like every brand new missionary he cant speak, and is afraid. Im not really sure what President smith was thinking when he decided this. But im called of god to be where im at. anyways it will be an interesting transfer. But its already been a blast. I love teaching. Its so fun. And i love my new companions. The lord blessed me with my last companion. Forcing me to learn the language. so now i can speak comfortably. Anyways, have the figured out what is the matter with desirae? that is scary!.... ummm. dad thanks for the letter. i love hearing from you. its my favorite. But im glad the truck is fixed, ill need something to drive when i get back. SO your working mom and tess to the bone huh? its good i love being sore, it means something is happening. anyways how is work? its good here. I love my new area. Tell nathan adairs dad i met some of his converts. And he was supposably a great missinary... Anyways parents. mom if you give me the measurments ill be glad to get some pants for that guy. and tell me the color too. Oh yea and i need some things too. First i need a new journal, like they have at the bookstore. Perferably green and its the big one i like the big ones cuz i write alot. I havent missed a day yet of my mission. SO you guys can hear all about it. and 2nd from the bookstore, could you send me a triple combination, (NOT A QUAD) only the BoM and the PoGP and D&C. i want the compact ones with the indexing. and perferably black. So dont forget. the small one with indexing and black. write me if you dont understand. and umm and a small hymn book if you can. I know its alot to ask. If you dont have the money dont worry about it please. just wait. But if you can i would love that. Umm i love you guys and i hope des gets better. I am proud of all of your goals, mom and tess stick to the walking and working out! Dad im proud of your goal for the temple, and des too! im so happy to have the family i have. i love you all. Ill let you know how my next week is next monday... Oh yea my new comps like to email at night. so if you want to chat with me you will have to get on at about 3 in the morning there. maybe like 6 in the morning i might be on too! sorry but i love you Elder Walker
Sunday, February 15, 2009
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