Wednesday, August 26, 2009

This week was ok. I got to go on splits with Elder Farmer and go to Legazpi to get fingerprinted to update my visa. I also taught to a platoon of soldiers while they were target practicing. It was freaking awesome! They loved it. Especially one named Charlie Chavez. He said of course him being a soldier he was spiritual, relying on God. But he didn't know what was true. It was fun teaching to all of them. They were crazy though they just set up some targets about 400 yards aways next to some houses. And then started shooting. I was like holy crap. I know we are in a 3rd world country but this seems a little dangerous. I took a picture with 3 of them. And I'll take a picture of where they were shooting from. Its funny and scary and the same time. We had 4 people come to church. Brother Hernandez came. His faith is so strong. A man who cant walk hardly has came to church twice in a row. I love it!!! I love him and his family. They are gonna kill a chicken for us this week. Which is a pretty big deal. At least to me cuz I love fresh chicken. But anyways I hope the family is all doing good. Gan, sounds like he is having fun. I cant wait to see his glasses. He is gonna be a stud! Anyways tell everyone I said hi.. I miss them... only one more year to go... Oh yea.... I'm buying Jace and Dad belts made of water buffalo horn. I can either get horn or bone. The bone is like 20 bucks the horn is like 15. But they are sick I love them. I need one for myself also... and i can get rings made out of it too. if you girls or Ganon wants... I can make him a belt too.... anyways ... I love you so much thanks for your support and for your prayers!!!! Elder Walker

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Kamusta kayo? Well this week was good, kinda hectic. Anyways I got a new comp, Elder Yoro. from Manila. He is cool, he plays the drums. I wont lie I miss my last companion. We had so much fun. He had my same personality so it just worked. Anyways. Brother Hernandez is great! he came to church yesterday. He could only last about 3/4 of sacrament then went to lay down in the nursery, cuz his legs hurt him. But he is so awesome. He woke his wife up at 4am on Sunday to remind her they had to go to church. We gave him a baptismal date for Sep. 12 he is so excited! He is awesome. That whole family is. They feed us twice every time we visit them, before the lesson they feed us a "snack" which is usually like a meal. Then afterwards they feed us a meal. Its awesome. They love us. I love them. Anyways. The Roldan family is the people getting married and baptized the same time. The mom couldn't come to church yesterday because she had school. But they are still getting baptized. Man I cant believe I'm almost a year. I have to go get fingerprints on Wednesday to update my Visa! crazy huh. Anyways that lady your working for sounds awesome. I never realized how cool old people can be. I love visiting with them. its amazing the stories they have. Like the other day i met the oldest Eagle scout in the Philippines. He is a member and used to be a Temple worker. I don't know why he doesn't come to church. But he is awesome. He was telling us stories about the war. He hates Japanese people! with a passion. he was telling use they used to beat the Japanese that would steal their rice to death. Its crazy. he is awesome. But yea. anyways this week was cool. We had a good week, we accomplished our goals. even though the week was kinda crazy. I got to spend the night with Elder Farmer and Elder Reed and my batch on Wednesday, because we had trainers training. It was awesome, I loved chillin with them. But other than that no stories. Just kinda chillin, about to hit 1 year. Just working hard... I'm sorry this letter is short. Ohhhhh yea thanks for the JAM! I loved it! I loved the package it had everything I needed. Thanks for the insoles! my feet feel so much better. I walk a ton every day so I needed them. I have a reputation about being a hard walker. it must be the name... ha ha anyways family thanks again . I love you all keep up your good work. .... gotta go... peace

Monday, August 3, 2009

Yes its almost time for a transfer. I'm not looking forward to that at all. I love my companion. I don't want to get transferred. Especially since last night we gave a family baptismal dates for august 29th. there will be 5 maybe 7 getting baptised that day. And right before the baptism hopefully we have a wedding. That's the way we want it to go. I really want it to happen. I am so pumped, things are finally going right here. We are working so hard. We got a referral to teach a man Alfredo Hernandez. His whole family is members except him. They are all active. He used to not want to become a member, but last January he got hit by a truck on his motorcycle and it caused brain damage, he cant walk but goes to therapy every week and prays every night to be able to walk. His wife told him that he wouldn't be able to have his kids in the next life unless he became a member. So now we are teaching him. Oh my gosh guys, i cant explain how nice this family is. While we teach this man we have to teach really really simply because his thoughts are like a child's, but as we teach you can look in his eyes and see his want, and the most humbling and touching thing to see is the wife when she looks at him and talks to him. She is sooooooo loving, she loves her husband and family so much I cant describe it. Brother Hernandez brought me and my companion to tears with his humble simple prayer the other day, he asked God to bless us first of all , then his family then asked to be able to walk again. He thanked Heavenly Father for his life then closed it. Oh my, I cant describe in words the way this family is. They are so so so strong, so close they love each other and support each other in everything. Whenever someone has something to do the other will stay home with the dad, every Sunday one of the family members is away from church staying with the father. Every time we teach they wont let us leave, or i should say HE wont let us leave until we eat something and have juice. We gave him a blessing the other day because his legs were in pain. he cant straighten one of them. But every time he sits up it puts him in pain. But every time it hurts he just laughs and says ouch it hurts. Ive never heard him say he can't handle it though. He is so strong, and funny, I
love him so much. I love that family. We have been tracting a lot out by where they live and have found a lot of good investigators. Our ward mission leader lives there so everyone is progressing. Oh man guys the work is so good. This church is true. Its amazing the blessings that come from missionary work. I cant imagine being somewhere else right now. I cant picture having this much fun or loving something like this. Anyways I have really no other stories for you guys. Except please be reading your scriptures. And saying your prayers. Anyways guys I love you so much, I hope you know like I do. this church is true. I know without a doubt Joseph Smith was called of God and the Book of Mormon is true! I love you so much, all of your support and prayers are much appreciated and welcome! take care! I love you! Elder Walker Mahal ko kayo ingat lagi!