Monday, April 20, 2009

Haha loren. she is funny. Claire is hilarious too. We all used to watch out for Claire at high school. Im pretty sure no one wanted to be mean to her with all of us on her side. Anyways yea that kid in art was real cool i loved him. For some reason the art teacher always sat me by him. Anyways yea those spiders are huge we had two in our house. One still lives there but is a fugitive i havnent fond him yet. But tell ganon that the monkey was someones pet. and you can buy them here for about 20 bucks. some of them are meaner than heck though. like when you get by them they try and bite you! its nuts.... My comp has settled down now taht he realizes ill kill him if he is stupid or that ill tell on him if he does anything dumb. so things are going good right now. I miss Brother Smith. I love how you call him kyle. He would never be kyle to me... always brother smith... He is a big part of me being on a mission now i love him. Anyways i wish i was there to see adi and gan. Especially to be with gan when he starts ball. That will be the funnest thing of his life. I miss those two. I was looking at pictrues last night and was like man i miss those kids. For now i have to settle for pilipinos. Im gonna probably cry when i leave this area. I love my converts and their daughter. freak she is a girl version of ganon. Wherever we go she is always holding my hand and asking me questions. and when we pass stores asking for candy. whenever her mom tells me to spank her im like she is still a kid. her mom thinks im so nice cuz im nice to her daughters. The mission has definitly changed my outlook on little kids. I used to get impatient real quick. But im patient now with people. Thanks des for your prayers i appreciete them so much i love you guys so so so much. i miss you and hope your doing alrgith. Just remember however much you make in a month is more than the average family makes here in ayear.... i love you and miss you kell

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